Monday, September 3, 2007

Digital Elite Team Contest

Every six months, in March and September, Digital Scrapbook Place holds a contest to choose new layout designers for their team. These designers create layouts using the DSP designers kits to showcase the kits. Even though I've only been digital scrapbooking for a few months (I think 5 months) I've decided to try. There are three elimination-style rounds. I'm hoping that I at least make it to round 2. Here is my submission for this round:

We were to use DSP Designer Kim Liddiard's Fantaisie D'Aile Kit and DSP Designer Tina Chamber's Word Art-Famous Authors-Keats. The objective: Using just the kits as is, create a layout that showcases the kit. Here is a preview of the kit:

My question is, do you think I showcased the kit well? I think so, but I'm not sure. I wish I could have seen the March round 1 finalists layouts so I could get an idea as to what the DET were looking for. I really want to be a DET member. I love the kits and I love the site. If I don't make it this time, I'll definitely be trying out next time. But I'll find out if I made it to round 2 on September 7th. Hopefully mine is unique enough and impresses the DET enough so they'll let me into round 2.

Anyway. That's what's been going on lately and why I haven't posted for a while. So busy with contests and challenges with deadlines very near.

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