Friday, April 24, 2009

New Site

Ok, so I've moved to a new site: ScrapbookGraphics. I wanted a more realistic feel to my layouts. And I wanted to expand my creativity. I used to be against "scanned" elements, but have recently become enlightened. Why should I go through the trouble of scanning and trying to erase when someone else can do it for me, and create a great kit in the process? And my pages look crazy professional now. Since I plan on starting a business, this is a key factor which is very important. And, speaking of businesses, I don't have to pay extra to use most of the products I purchase there for my business. I think that having to do so is a bit crazy...especially in these times.

But enough of that. I have to get some offspring to bed! LOL! Will post more later... Well, eventually. You know how unreliable I am with my posts here. I need to get better about it.

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