Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How Could A Mother Do That?

How on earth could a mother kill her own child? I'll never get used to it. Why on earth would you kill your own flesh and blood? Someone who relies and trusts you with her very life? I can't imagine such a thing. My children are so precious to me. So absolutely precous. When I look into their eyes, I feel such love and warmth; such a deep-rooted desire to protect my precious little gifts from God from all the bad things in this world. To kill your own child, you must be possessed by something evil.

I watch news reports on this happening, and it seems to increase every year. A mother cuts off her baby daughter's arms and legs, then calmly calls 911 to tell them her baby is dead because she cut off her limbs. Another mother drowns her 4 children, one by one, in the bathroom tub, while each crys and begs her not to, all the while unable to be successful in their frantic struggles to free themselves from her grasp. And then she as the nerve to blame it on God. Why do these crazy women do this? Say God told them to do it...as if! She said she was trying to save them from hell. Stupid women. I hope she rots in jail, just like the woman who butchered her baby girl. Another woman lets her car drive into a river/lake with her kids still buckled in, drowning them, all because her boyfriend didn't want her kids. So she chooses to drown them to save her relationship with her boyfriend. Sacrifices her kids for the relationship! Obsurd! Appauling! Outrageous!

And the list is endless, but those are the ones that stick in my head the most. And I don't wanna hear about people blaming it on post-partum depression. That's crap... I have a baby that drove me crazy for the first 4 weeks of her life due to acid reflux issues. She would cry for hours and hours and hours before she would go to sleep. But, as much as I may have been at my end, I could never have hurt her. I used to put her down and shake the living daylights out of a pillow or something, but never her. She's my baby. I carried her for 9 months in my body. I felt her grow and move. When she was born I counted her little fingers and little toes, and kissed her precious little baby-ness: those little cheeks, those little lips, that little button nose, and her hands and feet. God gave her to me. How could I harm her because my nerves were fried? Whenever we've had enough, there's always more we can take. It's a constant stretching of our patience. Kids work out our patience, so that we can handle more. If you couldn't handle children, why are you having them? If you were a responsible person, you would do what's best for the child and give them to someone who could care for them without resorting to the sort of violence that these women resorted to. There is NO justification for such an atrocity.

Sorry, I just had to vent. I could go on and on, but it's a morbid and disturbing subject. Hold your beloved children tighter this holiday, and pray for the safety of the children who were unfortunate enough to be born to women such as these.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Creatively describe the weather in your area right now.

The weather here in Seattle, Washington is currently living up to it's reputation. Right now there are light gray clouds covering the beautiful blue sky and blocking out the warm rays of the sun. Today the clouds are taking a break from releasing their rain on the earth. The air is clean, crisp and fresh from the weeks of rain. There is a light breeze gently flowing through the trees, causing the branches to sway slightly. With the changing of the leaves on the trees, you can watch them as they dance a beautiful, colorful dance. If you are outside and take a deep breath, you can smell winter in the distance. It is snowing in the mountains. We've had a very rainy year so far. And plant life here has been thriving because of it. Although some would complain of the rain, I find it soothing and a wonderful change from last year, when rain was scarce and the grass was a dull brown and very dry. If you visited Washington then, you wouldn't really understand why this State is called the Evergreen State.

Everywhere you look, God has painted the landscape in the colors of Fall. Trees have shed their leaves, causing them to cascade down to the wet, green grass below. As you look at those trees that are bare, you can almost imagine that their branches are dozens of hands reaching up towards God and heaven, as if in thanks for the abundance of rain and for being free from the waterlogged leaves. And as the breeze causes them to sway, they look as if they are praising Him. Such breathtaking beauty is awe-inspiring. Just looking at all the beauty God has created makes me want to stop and admire His handywork. Surely God is pleased.

Fall is a time when Nature sheds it's old skin and prepares for the long months when it will rest and then begin to grow new, fresh skin. Oh how I love Fall. The soft, gentle, fragrant breeze that seems to caress my skin and embrace me with a cool kiss; it relaxes and sooths my soul. What beauty! What serenity! That Man has been blessed to witness this wonderful season every year!

This is the weather I am in. One of my favorite seasons. The weather isn't too hot or too cold, it's perfect for me! A time to bundle up or cuddle up next to the ones you love and just enjoy them and their warmth! A wonderful time of the year. This is the weather I am in.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Everyone has at least one travel 'horror' story. Share your worst experience(s) with us.

I sure do have one of these.

In June of this year we went to Hawaii with Alethea, who was 6 months old at the time, to visit my dad. The trip there was perfect. We only paid for 2 seats but the plane wasn't full. We picked seats in the center aisle but my husband and I had both aisle seats in hopes that the center seat wouldn't be taken or, if it was, that the person wouldn't mind moving so we could have the row to ourselves. It worked. The person who had the center seat was moved to a row by herself (a window seat). Everything was great. When Alethea fell asleep we placed her in the seat between us. She didn't fuss at all. It was great. We had an early flight (8am), but it worked perfectly for her schedule.

The return trip wasn't so great. In fact, it was horrible!!! I had picked a flight that would get us home a little bit before her bedtime. It would have worked, too, except for that our flight was delayed 3 hours! And we didn't find out until we had reached our gate. How annoying! I checked in online and no mention of a delay, even though they knew it was delayed many hours before that.

Well, our seats were right next to the engine so, not only was it loud, it was very warm, too! None of us could get comfortable. It was a full flight and we had a 2 seater by the window. Horrible. Alethea couldn't get comfortable enough to stay sleeping. She was so warm. I had her in only her diaper for the entire flight! She was fussy and whiny and everything! Totally what I wanted to avoid. I didn't feel sorry for the other passengers, though. We all paid for our seats and I couldn't help how my daughter felt. I felt the same way! It sounds horrible but, I didn't care! We were all miserable! 6 hours is a long time when you have an uncomfortable 6 month old who can't get to sleep and it's past her bedtime. We didn't pull into Seattle until 1am. Alethea had just fallen asleep and I had just put her clothes on so I wouldn't wake her. I carried her out of the plane and, even though we had our stroller, I carried her all the way to baggage claim so nothing would wake her. My husband and I were exhausted. But he got to sleep a bit. I didn't. I was concerned over keeping my daughter cool and as comfortable as possible. But then again, I haven't been able to sleep on planes for quite some time.

When we got to baggage, my mom was there to pick us up (she had our car). Alethea chose that time to wake up. She was so happy to see her Mime. She was comfortable and she was happy. I dropped her off with my mom and went with my husband to help locate our baggage (he didn't really know which ones were ours). When we got home, Alethea was so pumped up from the excitement at baggage that she was up for another hour plus! All I wanted to do when we got home was sleep, but I couldn't until Alethea went to sleep.

If we had just had an ontime flight, none of that horrible flight would have happened! It is forever etched in my mind! One thing's for sure, I'll be making sure Alethea has her own seat AWAY from the engine from now on and I'll be CALLING to find out about any delays beforehand, that's for sure.

Friday, October 5, 2007

You can tell a lot about a woman by her purse (and its contents). What do you think?

Wow. Well, I don't have a purse, per se. I have a diaper bag/purse. The only thing that's for me in the diaper bag is my wallet. That's it. Nothing else. Everything is for my daughter, so I guess you can tell I'm all about my daughter. I don't even use my real diaper bag anymore. It's just a shoulder bag with little seashell charms on it that my stepmother gave me when we were visiting them in Hawaii. It's bright blue and my husband thinks its girly so he doesn't like to carry it like he did the diaper bag. That's fine with me cause I'm girly. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

You can tell a lot about a woman by how she grooms her fingernails. Tell us how yours look today.

Well, when I was younger, I used to bite my nails. So after I joined the military I used to get my nails done and get the tips and all that all the time. Then I got married and got pregnant and that's the end of getting my nails done. My nails never used to grow much at all, then those wonderful pregnancy hormones kicked in and now my nails grow quickly and get pretty long! Even my toenails have a bit of length to them now! But I don't do much with them, either way. I don't care. No time or desire to paint them myself as I'm not very good doing my own nails, and I don't have the time or means to get them done all the time now. I just said, oh well. I'll be happy with what God has given me and be thankful that they're even growing and not chipping at all. I usually try to keep hangnails away, make sure they're not sharp, and make sure they don't get too long so I don't scratch or hurt my daughter in any way. I also make sure they're clean. That's about it.

So, I don't know what this says about me as a woman. I guess that's up to you.

You can tell a lot about a person by the state of their desk/workspace. What does your say about you?

Wow. That's pretty simple. That I'm WAY too organized. My desk is always free of clutter, even when I'm working on something. I absolutely HATE clutter. Hmmm. Just looking at my desk right now and I noticed that I need to do a bit of light dusting...

The file drawer next to my desk, however, is another story. I usually organize it every week or so, but somehow it always gets messy again. Well, messy to me anyway. I need another file cabinet, is what I need, and a bigger desk. And maybe another computer so my husband can do what he needs to do without having to kick me off this one!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Article: Can You Make Too Many Digital Memories?

Sorry. I can't repost this. The bottom of the article says so.

Too Many Digital Memories?

I've posted this blog in response to an article posted by MSNBC entitled, "Can You Make Too Many Digital Memories?" http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20763864/ I'll post the original article next.

I have almost 2000 pictures of my 11 month old daughter. I'm sure she won't care about half of them, but I scrap the ones I want to make sure she sees. I don't take nearly as many as I did when she was really little. (mostly because she broke the digital camera I absolutely loved and now I have to use my much larger, much more bulky digital camera) Still, my mom took hundreds of pictures and when I was growing up and scrapped a lot of them. I have 8 books of me. She did this for my other two sisters, as well. She gave us our books when we turned 18 and we were then told that we could get rid of anything we didn't want to keep. I tossed so many pictures I had drawn and other papers, but not the photos. Well, maybe a few from the awkward tween years. But I don't want ANYONE remembering those times!

The article says that we CD's may become old news and unable to be viewed due to software changes. I say to that, well, at least I scrapped the good stuff! Also, I plan on keeping something that will view these things or transferring all that info to the new viewing devices...or even, heaven help me, printing all the photos I don't scrap. *gasp* I should start now, huh? At least they're only a few cents at walmart or kinkos!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What's Your Fashion Personality?

You're more of Casual Cutie
Comfort is your middle name. If you're not comfortable, then why bother? You'd choose cotton and spandex over tight clothing and itchy fabric any day. You understand that to look good, you must feel good on the inside and outside. You also believe that fashion isn't necessarily the best reflection of who you are - it's what's on the inside that counts. Maybe you are in a fashion rut or just aren't sure how to spice up your look while still feeling like you're YOU underneath. Whatever it is, don't be afraid to experiment. Add bolder choices gradually, but always choose something you feel at ease in.

Fashion Personality Quiz

Paperdoll Psychology

My results:

Let's go to the hop! Your choices tell us you are comfortable with traditional gender roles and may have watched too many reruns of "Happy Days."

Totally true. I am a traditionalist. Nothing feminist about me!

Paperdoll Psychology

Friday, September 14, 2007

More Pages

Credits: Dusky Rose Page Kit by Lauren Bavin, DSP Designer; Paper Squares Quick Click by Jamie Rousselle Heyl, DSP Designer

Credits: New Beginnings Page Kit by Suzanne C Walker, DSP Designer; Faded Glory Page Kit by Lauren Bavin, DSP Designer; Take A Walk Page Kit by Lisa Carter, DSP Designer

Credits: Weathered Ancestry Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP Designer; Dragonfly Dreamer Page Kit and Add On by Nicole Young, DSP Designer; Vintage Devotion Add On by Nicole Young, DSP Designer; I Close My Eyes Add On by Beth Nixon, DSP Designer

Credits: Weathered Ancestry Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP Designer

Credits: Weathered Ancestry Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP Designer

Been a Couple Days

It's been a couple days since my last post. Sorry about that. I've been busy taking care of my daughter and scrapping and whatnot.

I'm really trying to get myself ready to design some of my own kits. I had some earlier ones that I thought were good at the time, and I got a bunch of requests for them, but I want to be a DSP Designer, so I'm going to have to step it up a lot and start creating. I've been reading books and trying to teach myself how to create elements. Time consuming research. But I'm determined! I still want to create scrapbook pages for people at a nominal fee, but I have no idea how to set it up paying for it. I know I can use paypal, but I don't know how they contact me and all that. I need someone with website design knowhow.

That's about it with me.

Ta ta for now.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

September 11th

I've been busy creating a mini 9/11 scrapbook for my daughter and my future generations. Here are the 4 pages I've done so far. I did a search on google and found these pictures from various sites. Sorry, I forgot to write down where I got them from.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Attention to Detail. When people come to your home what is the first thing you want them to see and why?

That's easy. I want them to see a clean house, despite my daughter being a little tornado. I make sure the dishes are done, the floors are vacuumed, swept and mopped. I make sure the rooms are picked up and there are no stray toys hiding anywhere (I actually do this an ungodly number of times a day). I make sure my bathroom is spick and span, too. Never know when they are going to need to use the restroom. If the trash is full, my hubby is then ordered to take it out! I dust and straighten up the desk and fluff the couch cushions, making sure to clean any food prints my daughter left behind. I make sure that there is no odor anywhere, either. Candles and an airwick are a must. Candles in the bathroom and the airwich is on a timer in my daughter's room because of the daiper pail. That always stinks without the airwick. Lastly, I straighten up my daughter...as much as I can.

I do all of this because I can't stand the thought of someone coming over and seeing my place a mess. I don't want to leave them with the impression that I can't keep a clean house. I want them to walk in and think, "Wow! This house is so clean!" I've gone over to people's houses and seen a mess and thought to myself, why on earth didn't they straighten up a bit more? My eyes focus on the mess. So if my eyes focus on the messes at other people's houses, I assume that their eyes would focus on any mess at my home. Cleanliness is important to me. My house is almost always clean, but I go the extra step when there's company over. I even take these steps when the maintenance people come, even if they're only going to be here for a few minutes (I live in an apartment).

So that's what I want them to see. Clean. I don't decorate so much because we're moving once our lease is up here. We hate it where we live now. I hate to say it, but I actually hate my downstairs neighbors. They play their techno music so loud at all hours of the day. I have to bang on the floor regularly to get them to turn it down. They smoke and their smoke comes into my house when my glass door is open. Sometimes they smoke pot, too. I hate it. It stinks up the whole apartment. Then there is the fact that this is the ghetto to me. We got this place because of the space and the price. We got over 1000 square feet for under 800, which should have tipped us off in the first place. We're definitely moving. I'm counting down til I get to submit our 20 day notice! Looking forward to it. Maybe I'll get to decorate at the next place. I'm not even bothering here. I hate it so much I don't want to leave any doubt that we're moving come April!

Sunday, September 9, 2007


Credits: Golden Allure Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP Designer

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Two More

Watching The Ducks Pages 1 and 2

Credits for both pages: Tiny Bubbles Add On by Rene Bross, DSP Designer; Faded Glory Kit by Lauren Bavin, DSP Designer; Frame by Krista RingAnn-Marcee Kit by Marcee Duggar, DSP Designer; Brushed Away Add On by Rene Bross, DSP Designer

Friday, September 7, 2007

DET Contest Update

So I didn't make it past round 1. I don't know why, but it's ok. Even though I'm a competitive person I'm not a bad sport about not making it. I know that the most important thing is that I scrapped a page my daughter will look at one day and admire. That's all that matters. The memories, not the contest. She won't know that it was entered into a contest. She'll appreciate the memories it signifies. That's all.

I'll try out again in March. By then I'll have gotten much better at scrapping. In the meantime I'm going to perfect my skills and even try my hand at designing my own kits in hopes of becoming part of the talented designers on DSP. That would be awesome!

More Page-2's

Credits: Tiny Bubbles Page Kit and Add On by Rene Bross, DSP Designer

Credits: Brushed Away Page Kit and Add On by Rene Bross, DSP Designer

Blog Prompt

Fashion Facts. Over the centuries, fashions have taken dramatic changes. Do you know of any obscure fashion facts to add to our knowledge?

Totally the wrong person to ask. I have no idea! I'd have to look that up!

1. The first pair of Doc Martens were made from old tires.
2. Elizabeth the I loved hats so much that she made it mandatory for all females over the age of 7 to wear a hat on Sundays and holidays. Anyone who refused to do so was stiffly fined.
3. Many years ago the blue-blooded society of women would change their garments many times a day. The clothes were never worn again by the royalty, but were instead, given to the slaves.
4. Victorian times promoted the hourglass figure causing women everywhere to wear tight corsets. Some women wore the corsets so tight that in doing so, they often broke ribs.
5. Women who had straight hair wanted it to be curly. Those with curly hair looked for options to straighten it. In 1906 the first hair perms began, requiring clientele to sit for six hours or more while a dozen brass curlers were positioned. Each curler weighed close to 2 pounds making this an uncomfortable ritual at best. Aristocratic ladies of the 16th century even went as far as to grow pubic hair as long as possible then adorn it with ribbons and bows. (Ok, this one is kind of gross, but obscure nonetheless.)
6. Early bras weren't exactly a fashion statement, though. Some consisted of simply a ribbon which tied two handkerchiefs together.

7. Agnes Sorel, the mistress of King Charles VII of France was the first woman to wear diamonds.
8. Although the hardest substance known, diamonds they can be chipped. They have a grain line and may be broken by a sharp blow along this line.

These are just a few that I found.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Yet Again More Pages

Here's page 2 of the Layout I did for the DET Contest for DigitalScrapbookPlace:

Credits: Fantaisie D'Aile Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP; Word Art-Famous Authors-Keats by Tina Chambers, DSP

Here's one I did of my husband and his best friend, Rich.

Credits: Fantaisie D'Aile Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP; Weathered Ancestry Page Kit by Valeri Brumfield, DSP; Dragonfly Dreamer Page Kit and Add On by Nicole Young, DSP

Thanks for looking!

Another Page...

Credit: A Birdie Told Me Page Kit and coordinating Paper Flower Kit by Rene Bross, DSP Designer

I loved this kit so much that I had to use it.

Blog Prompt:Shoes make the woman. Give us an insight into your closet. Your shoes closet that is.

I don't have a shoe closet. Ever since I was a few months pregnant I have been wearing flip flop sandals because my feet swelled up so bad that I couldn't fit anything else. That's all I wear now. Those same sandals. I like them. I used to have a thing about my feet. I though they were so ugly. How could I show them to the world? But pregnancy has a way of getting you to overcome such nonsense. I don't care who sees my feet now. Whatever. I was born with them. It's not like I chose them, you know? I can't help how they look. My daughter now has the same feet. I call them "the family feet." Poor baby. Wide shoes will be a must for her.

Anyway. So I used to have a lot of shoes. I used to have a lot of nice shoes that I paid a lot of money for (well, a lot of money for me). Bakers was my favorite store. All of my shoes are dressy shoes. I'm a stay at home mom now. What in the world do I need dressy shoes for? Wearing heels while simutaniously dealing with an 11 month old (well, 11 months on Sunday) who just learned how to walk a few weeks ago and has been enjoying it and constantly doing it ever since? I don't think so. My feet hurt doing all that. Nowadays it's all flats, please. So all my shoes are in a laundry bag. Yes, I put my expensive shoes in a laundry bag. The horror, I know. But it was either that or just throwing them in a box...which I still may do. One day I'll dig them out and dust them off (or unscuff those that I can) and don them again. No time soon, let me assure you. So for now they sit in my closet inside a laundry bag that I had from the military and await the time when I'll be ready to wear them again. If they had a soul and feelings and all that, I would think that they'd be a bit hurt by being discarded so easily. But then, they don't have to support my weight anymore!

Not that I'm fat. I could stand to lose the weight I gained in pregnancy, plus a little more. About 50 pounds would do good for me. That would make me as skinny as I was in 2001. I looked so hot then! Or as skinny as I was in 2004. That was a good year, too! That's also the year I stopped working out regularly while still eating like a football player. I was counting on my youthful metabolism to carry me through forever. Well, the joke is on me for sure! Tell me, how am I supposed to work out when I'm a stay at home mom and have an 11 month old that is super clingy and doesn't really want strangers near her and I live in an apartment where there is no gym and no one close that I know or am comfortable with watching my daughter? Tell me. I would LOVE to know. And no, I'm not paying for one of those jogging strollers. A waste of money to me. I've already got 2 strollers. What on earth do I need to spend all that money for a third? Your right. Maybe I'm making excuses. Ever since the military FORCED me to work out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I've hated working out and once I got out of the military I practically gave it up. LOL. Who am I kidding! I gave it up COMPLETELY! LOL Well. Guess I'll have to do something about it, huh? I'm eating less but maintaining my weight where I am. Sucks. Oh well. At least I'm well poportioned. There's a plus.

So I've strayed from the topic, but what do you expect? I'm a woman who had a baby. Shorter attention span and all that.

Thanks for reading. And if you comment, thanks for that, too.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Yup! Another Page

Another page I've just finished.

Credit: Faded Glory Page Kit by Lauren Bavin, DigitalScrapbookPlace Senior Designer

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Blog Prompt: Fashionably Correct.

Fashionably Correct. In years past one would not be seen without a hat to complete your ensemble. Not so much these days. When and where do you think it is fashionably correct to wear a hat?

Hmmm. Nowadays, not many places. It really depends on the hat. Baseball Caps are hats and are appropriate in many places at almost any time. Cowboy hats can be worn just about any time, also. If we're talking about big ladies hats with flowers and what not on them, the most appropriate and common place to wear them are during church services (for baptists and other non-catholics- don't think I've ever seen a catholic adorne a hat in church). I could be wrong but that's the only place I would think it would fashionably correct. Also there's the beach. Hats are great to keep the sun off our faces! And they look good, too!

I don't wear hats. After being in the Navy for 4 1/2 years having to wear a baseball cap or other hat every time I went outside in uniform, I hate wearing them. They give me hat-hair! No thanks!

More Pages

I've done a couple more pages that I'm extremely pleased with. My husband helped me out with the "My Dog Darby" layout. He suggested that I enlarge the dog and place him in the corner and do sort of an overlay look to it. After playing around with the blending modes I settled on Luminosity. I then did a light opacity eraser brush to it to give it a softer look around the edges. With the other page, I added depth to the foliage by adding drop shadow. I extracted my daughter and sat her on a rock that I extracted and added a few more rocks that I extracted.

Credits: April Showers Add On Pack by Rene Bross, Digital Scrapbook Place

Credits: Word Art by Tina Chambers, Digital Scrapbook Place; Inspired By Nature Parts 1-3 Kits by Ingrid Designs

Simplify life. We all have them, those household items that we purchase for one thing and then end up using them for another. What items do you have t

Hmm. The only thing I can think of is baby wipes. With being a mother of a 10 month old, I use these all the time. Not just for wiping bottoms, but for cleaning up her face, hands, etc, when she makes a mess eating or whatever. I use them for dusting sometimes. I use them to wipe the food and finger prints off the furniture that my daughter leaves behind. And, after watching a news episode where they said that baby wipes disinfect like disinfectant wipes, I use them to disinfect tables at restaurants and shopping carts if my daughter will be touching them. No need to have her sick because someone doesn't wash their hands or a rag is filled with disgusting bacteria, right? I'm not a germ-a-phobe, but I still like to keep my daughter safe from some things, you know?

Monday, September 3, 2007

Blog Prompt: Fashion Woes. What, in your opinion, is your most embarassing fashion moment?

Hmmm. I don't think I have one PARTICULAR instance. I think the 80's would have to suffice as my most embarrassing fashion moment. I don't remember it much, but I do see pictures and I can't believe what I wore then. Yes, I'm only 24, but oh my goodness!

There was, however, one particular picture that I am embarrassed about. On my 10th birthday I picked out my outfit. I wore white cowboy boots and a purple dress (not frilly, just plain). I can't believe I wore that! Oh my goodness!

Most recently, the most embarassing moments were when I was breastfeeding in the beginning and I used to leak through my shirts. How nice to look down and see a nice round wet spot! I hated wearing the nursing pads because they were visible through the shirts.

I don't think I've ever been REALLY embarrassed by something I wore. I don't feel that way usually because I really don't let it bother me. Especially now that I'm a mother of a baby. Once she started eating solids I gave up on being embarrassed by the food that ended up on my shirt that I hadn't noticed for most of the day, or any other time I have a fashion mishap. I blame it on parenthood!

Digital Elite Team Contest

Every six months, in March and September, Digital Scrapbook Place holds a contest to choose new layout designers for their team. These designers create layouts using the DSP designers kits to showcase the kits. Even though I've only been digital scrapbooking for a few months (I think 5 months) I've decided to try. There are three elimination-style rounds. I'm hoping that I at least make it to round 2. Here is my submission for this round:

We were to use DSP Designer Kim Liddiard's Fantaisie D'Aile Kit and DSP Designer Tina Chamber's Word Art-Famous Authors-Keats. The objective: Using just the kits as is, create a layout that showcases the kit. Here is a preview of the kit:

My question is, do you think I showcased the kit well? I think so, but I'm not sure. I wish I could have seen the March round 1 finalists layouts so I could get an idea as to what the DET were looking for. I really want to be a DET member. I love the kits and I love the site. If I don't make it this time, I'll definitely be trying out next time. But I'll find out if I made it to round 2 on September 7th. Hopefully mine is unique enough and impresses the DET enough so they'll let me into round 2.

Anyway. That's what's been going on lately and why I haven't posted for a while. So busy with contests and challenges with deadlines very near.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What Animal Are You?

You're a Gorilla!

Highly social and group-oriented, you like hanging out with the same
people constantly. You have either black or gray hair and spend a good deal of time
grooming it or getting others to groom it for you. Sleep is a big part of your daily
routine and you like to either make very loud noise or no noise at all. You have
more skills with language than most, however. One of your absolute favorite drinks
is hot cocoa.

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

You're a Scorpion!

You really enjoy weapons and like keeping as many of them at hand
as possible, just in case. Most of these weapons are sharp, and you have a small
collection of armor as well. You just can't be too careful these days. Maybe it's
that you've always been small and feel threatened and this has prompted your
elaborate collection to bloom. It's not too surprising that you've become a bit of
a loner, even a hermit, with those tendencies. Or that your favorite actor is The

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Well, I was born in November, anyway.

What Book Are You

You're Mother Night!

by Kurt Vonnegut

Nobody knows what to believe about you, and you know least of all. You
spent most of your time convinced that the ends justify the means, but your means were,
well, downright mean! And the end is nigh. Meanwhile all you want is to travel back in
time, if not to change, then to just delight in the way it used to be. You are who you
pretend to be. Oh yes, you're the great pretender.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.

Blog Prompt: One Food You Would Never Give Up

Wow. Does it have to be just one? I have so many! I guess I'll bend the rules and write down a few of the foods I'd NEVER, EVER, EVER give up.

First and foremost: Chocolate! Who in their right mind would? It's so yummy and satisfying and oh so good! Seriously. Need I say more?

Secondly, I would never give up BBQ'd Ribs. Mmmm....Ribs.... So good. My mouth is salivating just thinking of them! My dad and Pop-Pop bbq the best ribs EVER! They are constantly perfecting their bbq skills. They've gotten to the point where they don't even use bbq sauce anymore. Just spices and marinades. So good. (I'm getting hungry.) My trouble is that I have to go all the way to Cali or Hawaii to get some of their ribs. I was just in Hawaii in June and I ate ribs to the full! It takes my dad all day to get the ribs just right. You smell the aroma through the house all day long. Anticipation fills the air as the salivating family members wait for their chance to dive into the large plate of ribs. My dad had a bbq the day after we arrived. Since the ribs were all gone by the end of the day, my dad bbq'd some more the day before we left and they were done by 11pm. I managed to pack some away in the freezer, away from the grubby hands of my family members who weren't leaving Hawaii. I took those bad boys with me on the plane back to Seattle! So good. My dad had bbq'd just for me, anyway. My daughter, I found out, loves my dad's ribs, too. Well, I'm not surprised. She came from my womb, didn't she? :)

Thirdly, I would never give up fried chicken. I love fried chicken. Not the fast food kind, but the kind that you make yourself. I don't like to toot my own horn, but I make some mean fried chicken. I learned the family recipe while I was stationed in Cali. I would drive the two hours to get to Moreno Valley from San Diego to get some of my Aunt's fried chicken. I would call her ahead of time to let her know I was on the way so she could get that chicken going. When I opened the door to her house, I was engulfed in the pleasant aroma of fried chicken. So good!

So, rightly so these are the three things that I REFUSE to give up! If I had to, there would be war for sure! Even when I'm old and if I don't have anymore teeth left, at least I could grind them up in a blender and sip them from a straw! I'd have to learn how my dad and grandfather bbq the ribs, first.

Blog Prompt: What Are Your 10 Favorite Words


1, 2, 3. I Love You.
4. Mommy (at least, that is until my daughter starts saying it nonstop for hours!)
5. Shoo-shoo (that's what I call my daughter sometimes)
6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Babe, I'll watch the baby..

I've added a couple more: ...you rest!


Blog Prompt: Name 5 Things In Your Freezer Right Now

Hmmm. This is really easy. I don't even think I have 5 things in there right now. Since payday is tomorrow, we're running low on frozen goods!

Let's see, there's a frozen pizza that my hubby just bought last night (he loves frozen pizza, go figure!) There's a half eaten bag of frozen veggies that I like to boil and feed my daughter. There are 2 ice trays full of ice...I think. There's two ice packs for our cooler so that we don't die of heat this summer. Ironically, we haven't needed to use the ice packs because it has been a mild summer! It has rained a lot this year! Sometimes I am so thankful to live in Seattle.

It's amazing how quickly food goes when you're a stay at home mom! I don't remember ever eating this many times a day (even though they're small meals)!

Kind of sad that my freezer is almost bone dry, but whatever. We don't really buy many frozen goods.

Ta Ta For Now!

My Little Girl

My little girl is 10 1/2 months old. She'll be 1 in October. I can't believe how time flies. Alethea is walking now. Over the past week she's been getting more and more on her feet. In the beginning it was just a couple of steps, then it progressed. Now she can walk without falling most of the time. She's gaining more and more confidence every time she tries. It's so cute to see her toddling about. Guess that's why they call them toddlers. So my baby is no longer a baby, but she's entered the world of toddlerhood. With each step, she moves further and further away from babyhood, leaving such things behind her, and taking her daddy and me into a new phase of our parenthood. I look forward to this new phase, but I still yearn for the days when she was just an infant, needing me for everything. I yearn for the days when she was immobile! Well, maybe not. It's so much fun watching her as she realizes she can get around on two legs instead of legs and hands. I love the joy and excitement on her f ace as she takes each step. I love the look of happiness as she toddles over to me to get my approval, only to turn back around again for another lap. She still crawls a bit, but it's getting less and less frequent. Alethea is even trying to see how fast she can go. Sometimes she incorporates a little jog into her steps or even jumps a bit. The less she falls, the more she tries. What I can't wait to see is my little girl running in the grass, chasing butterflies (or whatever), laughing and giggling as she goes. And with wanting to see her do new things, I still don't want her to grow up!

Besides walking, she's also talking more....a lot more. She babbles all the time. Sometimes at 4am, much to our dismay. She still needs me to put her to sleep, though. Some things are more difficult to change.


So I've played in some challenges and contests for a few months now and haven't won a thing. It's kind of disappointing and disheartening. I know there are a lot of scrappers who are MUCH better than me, but I haven't won ANYTHING. That means even the drawings. I've kind of come to expect not to win when I do a challenge. I don't know. I wish that I could win something. I was in the NKOTB (New Kids On The Block) challenge and never made it to the top 10 in all the three rounds. That means I won't come in the top 10 with the final score. Three weeks of scrapping and hoping I'll get something. Don't get me wrong, though. The contest was fun. I met some great new people and learned a bunch. I even stepped out of my comfort zone a bit. I look at the layouts that won and mine seem so simple and benign in comparison. I know, I know. They're not. But I still can't help but think that, you know? I know that there are many scrappers there that haven't won anything, either.

I'll still participate in challenges and contests. Maybe one day I'll be surprised and find out that I won one. I think that would brighten my whole week...or longer!

I just wanted to vent a bit. I still love the site I'm a member of and wouldn't leave it for the world! The people are so great and helpful. And, if nothing else, the challenges and contests give me ideas on how to scrap some of my pictures. I guess it's a fair trade, huh? :)

Thanks for listening!

Here are a couple more pages that I did using Valeri Brumfield's Diagonal Dreams Quick Click and Minty Breeze Page Kit:

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Serious Illness

Blog Prompt: Describe the most serious illness you ever had.

Hmm. The promt says to describe my most serious illness. I've never had one. The most I've ever had was a cold or the chicken pox. (I'm sick now, though.) I think this will be a really short entry.

Whenever I'm sick I usually bundle up and sweat it out within 24 hours. Don't remember if I've ever had the flu. I never even had morning sickness when I was pregnant. I guess this isn't a very good entry for the prompt. Oh well.

Maybe I'll go back and do some of the previous blog prompts.

Talk to you later!


Here are some of the scrapbook pages I have made so far. I started scrapbooking when my daughter was born. I started traditional scrapping and have a lot of those. I decided that doing the traditional scrapbooking was too time consuming for each page. Also, with the demads of a small infant, I didn't have the time to put everything away and take it all out all the time. I started digital scrapbooking with Adobe Photoshop Elements 5.0 and have been doing that for a few months now. I love the variety of things you can do with digital scrapbooking! So much fun to create!
Page created using DigitalScrapbook Free's Lisa W's
Hearts Sentiments Page Kit

Page created using DigitalScrapbookPlace's DSP designers'
Celebrate Life's Moments Page Kit

Page created using my Lavendar Page Kit

Page created using DigitalScrapbookPlace's designer, Valeri Brumfield's
Raspberry Dreams Page Kit

Page created using DigitalScrapbookPlace's:
New Beginnings Kit by Suzanne C Walker
Flora Kit by Samara Gugler
Sparkle Butterfly element by Lauren Bavin
Golden Dreams Kit by Kim Liddiard
Beautiful, Blessed Kit by Marcee Duggar
Edge Flourish Overlay by Suzanne C Walker
Basics elements by Valeri Brumfield
Brushed Away Kit by Rene Bross
Devoted Extras Word Art by Marcee Duggar
String of Pearls Kit by Valeri Brumfield
Fields of Dreams by Rene Bross

Page created using DigitalScrapbookPlace's designer, Rene' Bross'
Brushed AwayPage Kit

Page created using DigitalScrapbookPlace's designer, Valeri Brumfield's
Diagonal Dreams Quick Click and her Minty Breeze Page Kit
To view my full gallery, please visit My Gallery. I am a member of http://www.digitalsrapbookplace.com/ and that's where I get most all of my kits.


I have no idea how to create a gallery here. I don't really know much about managing a blog yet. We'll see how it goes. How on earth do you create separate pages to add these things? Hmmm? If you know, could you please share the wealth with me?


A little More About Me

So it's been a few days since my last post- Or my first post! Not necessarily busy, just forgetful.

I don't have a lot of stuff going on in my life to talk about. I am a stay-at-home-mom of a 10 month old. My day is basically spent cleaning up my daughter and her messes, putting her down for her naps and feeding and playing with her. Amid all that I get to do some scrapping. I watch children shows all day long. At least, until she goes down for her naps. Currently I am watching Sesame Street. My daughter is on the floor playing with all of her toys that she dumped out of her toybox.

She's growing up so fast. I watch her taking more and more steps each time she tries. She can walk about a yard now before she decides she can get where she wants to go faster if she crawls. Sometimes I can't believe my little baby is on the edge of toddlerhood.

I'm just thankful that I have a husband who encourages me to stay home to care for our daughter. If he wasn't, I would miss the many precioius moments that I have experienced these past 10 months. While he wakes up early to catch the bus to get downtown, I am sleeping. While he's at work dealing with people, I'm at home laughing and playing and enjoying my daughter. Well, at least most of the time. Sometimes she can be a real pain! But such is motherhood. There are times I wish my husband and I could switch places! Just for a bit of a breather!

So my sister is coming into town on Saturday. I'm so excited because I haven't seen her for almost 3 years! She joined the Air Force and got stationed in North Carolina. She hates it, of course. I hated the Navy, but it taught me something. In retrospect, I'm glad I joined. It taught me how to grow up. I really hope it teaches my sister to grow up and become independent. But as I said, she's coming in on Saturday. First she flew all the way to Hawaii to visit Dad and my sister there. THAT was a long, long flight! Even if there was a stop. No thank you. Next she comes here for a week. This will be her first time seeing her niece.

My youngest sister was here for a few months. She came within days of her husband leaving for Iraq. He's a Marine. They talk almost every day, which is great. Anyway. She is pregnant and wanted to be near my mom, who lives about 50 miles away from me. She stayed with me, though. Interesting and amusing to see my youngest sister go through pregnancy. She is experiencing all the things she made fun of me about. I love it! Her husband is supposed to be coming back from Iraq a couple of days prior to her due date. He is cutting it close, but I told her that she probably wouldn't deliver until after her due date. She plans on flying here mid-November with hubby and baby to visit before they leave for North Carolina, where he is being stationed. I thing she's crazy to get on a plane with a newborn, but whatever. She'll have to make sure he's at least 2 weeks old, though.

My dad is so happy that someone is finally having a boy. My dad was never able to beget a son. All daughters! Then I had a daughter (I wanted a girl first). He was so sure that my sister would have a girl. I wish I could have seen the expression on his face when he found out she was having a boy. She is naming his middle name after my dad's middle name. When I have a son, his middle name will be my dad's first name.

Speaking of names, this is really interesting. My husband's mom's first name is Louise and my mom's middle name is Louise. My husband's dad's middle name is Anthony and my dad's first name is Anthony. Pretty odd, huh?

So that is a little bit more about me and what's going on in my life. Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


I've read a lot about blogs. I've read a lot OF blogs. I've decided to create my own blog. If you've decided to stop in for a peak, thanks! I really appreciate it. I'm new at this, so give me some slack. I'm assuming that a blog is a place to post your thoughts and ideas down, kind of like a diary. I also plan on using this blog to support my "hopeful" business.

My desire is to offer my digital scrapbooking services and maybe a few kits I've created. I've been doing traditional scrapbooking for almost a year and digital for a few months. I've created MANY layouts and have 3 kits I have made.

I'm 24 years old and I have been married for 2 years. My husband, Christian, and I have a 10 month old daughter, Alethea. She is the light of our lives. I can never imagine life without her. It's amazing how much you can love someone, isn't it? Anyway. I'm a stay at home mom. I used to work at a corporate law firm as a legal secretary. Before that, I was a legalman (like a paralegal, but without the degree) in the Navy. Interesting stories, there.

Anyway. This is my first post. I'll have another one up soon. Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate it. Come back again soon!