Thursday, August 30, 2007


So I've played in some challenges and contests for a few months now and haven't won a thing. It's kind of disappointing and disheartening. I know there are a lot of scrappers who are MUCH better than me, but I haven't won ANYTHING. That means even the drawings. I've kind of come to expect not to win when I do a challenge. I don't know. I wish that I could win something. I was in the NKOTB (New Kids On The Block) challenge and never made it to the top 10 in all the three rounds. That means I won't come in the top 10 with the final score. Three weeks of scrapping and hoping I'll get something. Don't get me wrong, though. The contest was fun. I met some great new people and learned a bunch. I even stepped out of my comfort zone a bit. I look at the layouts that won and mine seem so simple and benign in comparison. I know, I know. They're not. But I still can't help but think that, you know? I know that there are many scrappers there that haven't won anything, either.

I'll still participate in challenges and contests. Maybe one day I'll be surprised and find out that I won one. I think that would brighten my whole week...or longer!

I just wanted to vent a bit. I still love the site I'm a member of and wouldn't leave it for the world! The people are so great and helpful. And, if nothing else, the challenges and contests give me ideas on how to scrap some of my pictures. I guess it's a fair trade, huh? :)

Thanks for listening!

Here are a couple more pages that I did using Valeri Brumfield's Diagonal Dreams Quick Click and Minty Breeze Page Kit:


Unknown said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. Though I have found I really just enjoy trying something new more than the competition. Art is so subjective. I would hate to have to be the one that had to chose.

mom2triplets04 said...

Sorry to hear you are feeling down about the challenges. Your layouts are really beautiful. Love the framing on the bottom one. NKOTB is very challenging. I did it when I first started out and it was a bit overwhelming but I did learn a lot by doing my layouts over and over by peoples suggestions. Hope you learned some by participating. I used to spend a lot of time at DSP and now I come now and then. Love the designer challenges because at least you purchase their kits and get a bonus for using them. Good luck in your future challenges.

Nicole Young | Urban Wings Art said...

I didn't win in NKOTB either! That is a REALLY difficult contest! You would expect to be going in with others at the same skill level seeing as you are all "New Kids" but keep in mind that many have paper scrapped for years, some have been on other sites and built up their skills from there. I think that your LOs are fabulous and that they only REALLY judge should be you! If you like them, than that is all that counts (even if it hurts not to win...and i know it does, I've been there!) I am glad that you are a member of DSP and that you share your LOs with us!
And P.S. I like your blog header! Glad you got it to work!!