Thursday, September 6, 2007

Blog Prompt:Shoes make the woman. Give us an insight into your closet. Your shoes closet that is.

I don't have a shoe closet. Ever since I was a few months pregnant I have been wearing flip flop sandals because my feet swelled up so bad that I couldn't fit anything else. That's all I wear now. Those same sandals. I like them. I used to have a thing about my feet. I though they were so ugly. How could I show them to the world? But pregnancy has a way of getting you to overcome such nonsense. I don't care who sees my feet now. Whatever. I was born with them. It's not like I chose them, you know? I can't help how they look. My daughter now has the same feet. I call them "the family feet." Poor baby. Wide shoes will be a must for her.

Anyway. So I used to have a lot of shoes. I used to have a lot of nice shoes that I paid a lot of money for (well, a lot of money for me). Bakers was my favorite store. All of my shoes are dressy shoes. I'm a stay at home mom now. What in the world do I need dressy shoes for? Wearing heels while simutaniously dealing with an 11 month old (well, 11 months on Sunday) who just learned how to walk a few weeks ago and has been enjoying it and constantly doing it ever since? I don't think so. My feet hurt doing all that. Nowadays it's all flats, please. So all my shoes are in a laundry bag. Yes, I put my expensive shoes in a laundry bag. The horror, I know. But it was either that or just throwing them in a box...which I still may do. One day I'll dig them out and dust them off (or unscuff those that I can) and don them again. No time soon, let me assure you. So for now they sit in my closet inside a laundry bag that I had from the military and await the time when I'll be ready to wear them again. If they had a soul and feelings and all that, I would think that they'd be a bit hurt by being discarded so easily. But then, they don't have to support my weight anymore!

Not that I'm fat. I could stand to lose the weight I gained in pregnancy, plus a little more. About 50 pounds would do good for me. That would make me as skinny as I was in 2001. I looked so hot then! Or as skinny as I was in 2004. That was a good year, too! That's also the year I stopped working out regularly while still eating like a football player. I was counting on my youthful metabolism to carry me through forever. Well, the joke is on me for sure! Tell me, how am I supposed to work out when I'm a stay at home mom and have an 11 month old that is super clingy and doesn't really want strangers near her and I live in an apartment where there is no gym and no one close that I know or am comfortable with watching my daughter? Tell me. I would LOVE to know. And no, I'm not paying for one of those jogging strollers. A waste of money to me. I've already got 2 strollers. What on earth do I need to spend all that money for a third? Your right. Maybe I'm making excuses. Ever since the military FORCED me to work out every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I've hated working out and once I got out of the military I practically gave it up. LOL. Who am I kidding! I gave it up COMPLETELY! LOL Well. Guess I'll have to do something about it, huh? I'm eating less but maintaining my weight where I am. Sucks. Oh well. At least I'm well poportioned. There's a plus.

So I've strayed from the topic, but what do you expect? I'm a woman who had a baby. Shorter attention span and all that.

Thanks for reading. And if you comment, thanks for that, too.



loonyhiker said...

I think you get a good enough work out chasing after a baby! I don't have the money or the energy to join any of those fancy gyms so hubby and I just walk regularly (you can do that with your regular stroller) and cut back on calories. I am trying to eat smaller portions but have a little snack (like yogurt or broth) in between meals to kick up my metabolism. My hubby has lost 30 lbs. by doing this and I've lost about 5. It's not much but every little bit helps.

Sandra said...

Flip flops and casual flats is where it's at anyway. Only in the winter, or in the office do you see boots & heels. Enjoy barefooted motherhood, lol.

Very nice post.

Unknown said...

I agree there is no need to wear heels while chasing after a toddler.

ArcaneFaery said...

I'm on the gee-I-just-can't-find-time-to-work-out wagon, too. I depended on my youthful metabolism, too. Boo!

heather said...

Hmm... I hate working out too. And I don't even have the military reason as an excuse lol I sympathise with your exercising problem. It was soo hard to go even for walks when the boys were little. Now they're a bit older I can sneak out and at least go for a walk now and then while Dad keeps an eye on them... so don't give up hope :)

Unknown said...

LOL. When both of my boys got out of the military the first thing they did was stop exercising. And it shows. Doesn't help that being overweight runs in both sides of their genes.

I can commiserate about running after a toddler. Indy is 3 and trying to keep up with him is nigh impossible.