Thursday, October 18, 2007

Creatively describe the weather in your area right now.

The weather here in Seattle, Washington is currently living up to it's reputation. Right now there are light gray clouds covering the beautiful blue sky and blocking out the warm rays of the sun. Today the clouds are taking a break from releasing their rain on the earth. The air is clean, crisp and fresh from the weeks of rain. There is a light breeze gently flowing through the trees, causing the branches to sway slightly. With the changing of the leaves on the trees, you can watch them as they dance a beautiful, colorful dance. If you are outside and take a deep breath, you can smell winter in the distance. It is snowing in the mountains. We've had a very rainy year so far. And plant life here has been thriving because of it. Although some would complain of the rain, I find it soothing and a wonderful change from last year, when rain was scarce and the grass was a dull brown and very dry. If you visited Washington then, you wouldn't really understand why this State is called the Evergreen State.

Everywhere you look, God has painted the landscape in the colors of Fall. Trees have shed their leaves, causing them to cascade down to the wet, green grass below. As you look at those trees that are bare, you can almost imagine that their branches are dozens of hands reaching up towards God and heaven, as if in thanks for the abundance of rain and for being free from the waterlogged leaves. And as the breeze causes them to sway, they look as if they are praising Him. Such breathtaking beauty is awe-inspiring. Just looking at all the beauty God has created makes me want to stop and admire His handywork. Surely God is pleased.

Fall is a time when Nature sheds it's old skin and prepares for the long months when it will rest and then begin to grow new, fresh skin. Oh how I love Fall. The soft, gentle, fragrant breeze that seems to caress my skin and embrace me with a cool kiss; it relaxes and sooths my soul. What beauty! What serenity! That Man has been blessed to witness this wonderful season every year!

This is the weather I am in. One of my favorite seasons. The weather isn't too hot or too cold, it's perfect for me! A time to bundle up or cuddle up next to the ones you love and just enjoy them and their warmth! A wonderful time of the year. This is the weather I am in.


Rusheika said...
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Rusheika said...

Beautiful! God is amazing isn't he!

Glynis said...

Absolutely beautiful! And yes, nature gives us just one more reason to praise Him! Thanks for the reminder.

Tammy said...

Beautifully done!! I always thought of Seattle as rainy all the time, but you painted a much better picture.

Denise said...

Cuddling is so much fun. I keep grabbing up my girls into longish hugs. Beautiful descriiption. IO have often wondered if Seattle was really as bad as they say, guess it can be.

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